October 19, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Grandson

Family Photo on the Day Liam was Born
My grandson Liam celebrates his fourth birthday today ... Hooray! Oh, what a grand celebration it was being there on the day this bundle of boy joy was born.

Now here I am, hundreds of miles away, wishing I were there with him in person to wish him a happy birthday with a hug and a kiss from his Grandma Ruthi. Instead, I send him hugs and smiles across the miles on his special day.

Not a thing would please me more than to have you join in the celebration of my grandson Liam's birth. To join the party, please leave your birthday message for Liam right here in the comment section.


October 18, 2014

Online Earning Gratitude

Just an FYI... Those of us who choose to blog as an additional way of earning income online appreciate activity on our blogs just as much as we do on our articles published on writing platforms.

It is nice to have comments, likes, and shares on Facebook when we post our creative efforts. It also helps in the same ways to have this same activity duplicated right on our blog articles.

As a blogger trying to make a living online, I appreciate all comments, social shares, and product purchases from my blog posts that I can get, so...

THANK YOU to my dedicated readers!

Are you a writer publishing articles on your blog in hopes of earning online income? If yes, feel free to post your blog link in addition to your comment here on this post.

October 16, 2014

Travel Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound
I have traveled far and wide across the miles of many of these United States, staking claim to houses to call 'Home' in several of them, some more than once. Yes, when homeward bound, I seem to veer toward directions of familiar places.

Ruthi Arriving in Ohio 1999
Buckeye born and bred in the state of Ohio, with the bulk of my family still residing there, I find myself drawn back on occasion. I first left Ohio at the age of 15 and have returned to live there twice as an adult, at times when life-changing events had me feeling that old familial need.

Ruth & Tidbit Arrive in Florida 2013
The sunny state of Florida has always felt like a second home to me. It is where my Mom lay buried. It is where I gave birth to my son.

My life travels have led me away from, then back to, Florida a couple of times. It is where I now live.

Here, I lost my dog Tidbit--my best friend and gift of true love from the Universe. I no longer enjoy this place where I shared the last year and a half of Tidbit's life. Its tropical beauty means nothing without her by my side.

Again, I find that feeling of heart discontent and the mind ponders a rightful place to call home. It has been a tough year. (And it isn't over yet!)

Skip Hunt Go West

Homeward Bound Choices

  • Ohio: Take me home to those country roads of familiarity and family and friend.
  • Florida: Stay planted where I am and learn to live it and love it.
  • North, East, South, or... Go West!

I turned sixty this year ... Yes, 60! I wonder whether I am ready to head home to the land of my birth for the last time, full circle. I wonder, is it truth that home is where the heart is. I wonder too, do I have enough energy and years left for another incredible journey? I guess time will tell me the answers to my pondering.

Topic for this week: Homeward Bound

Time Travel Thursday is a blog hop. Go ahead and blog about this week's topic and add your blog article link to this list anytime throughout the week. Grab the hop badge and link it to this post.

Add the link and title of your blog post on the topic of Time Travel: Homeward Bound

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
get the InLinkz code

October 9, 2014

Hugs and Smiles Time Travel Thursday

Ruthi and Billy Airport Hugs
My dear friend Karen gave me a much-needed cyber hug today. This gave my mind reason to travel back in time for other special hugs. Pictures in my mind becoming not enough, I began a search through old photos and found many such hugs and smiles.

Talk about time travel! I found these mother and child photos of my son and me, taken fifteen years ago. The year was 1999, the first official Cox family reunion.

Ruthi and Billy Airport Smiles
My son, Billy, flew from south Florida to central Ohio for this family gathering. Upon his arrival at the airport I received a much-needed hug from my son. 

Oh, how quickly a loving embrace can put a smile upon a face!

What a reminder on this Thursday in 2014 to never doubt the power of a hug, whether in person or across the miles. Both ensure much-needed smiles.

View at Amazon

Should you wish to learn more about the power of embracing others, read the book Reflections of Amma, about a global mother known world-wide as the "Hugging Saint."

Time Travel Thursday

Those of you would like to share your own time travel story on the topic of Hugs and Smiles this week, write it in a blog post, then add the link to your post here for me and the readers of abitosunshine to enjoy.

Since this is a blog hop, please grab the Time Travel Thursday image, add it to your post and link to this post here at abitosunshine.

October 7, 2014

Autumn Harvest Steampunk Surprise

Backstory of the Surprise

Cascadian Farm Cereals at Amazon
As I opened the door to step outside on the deck for a bit of sunshine and fresh air, much to my surprise a box perched upon the railing caught my eye. My eyes went straight to the word THANKS on the box, which for some reason made me smile. On further inspection I began to chuckle—it was a box of cereal!

Without a doubt I knew it was a package from my friend Coletta, for being mindful of recycling she would be the one friend I have who would re-purpose an old cereal box for shipping purposes. And I knew exactly what surprise awaited inside the box. Or so I thought!

What I thought was inside the box I shan't show on this post, as I'm saving it for another article of surprise, the link to which you will find at the end of this article. Yes, it arrived, but along with it was truly an autumn harvest gift from my friend and one which was totally unexpected.

Autumn Harvest Steampunk Wreath

Coletta has a knack for utilizing leftover scraps from sewing and craft projects. Creatively up-cycling, Coletta created, and bestowed upon me, one of her Victorian Steampunk Halloween Decorations.

I now have this delightful fall wreath hanging on my bedroom door. Yes, I'm selfish, it's just for me!

This lovely wreath will decorate my door throughout the autumn harvest season and last on through to Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. Ah! The holiday of giving ... THANKS.

Oh! I nearly forgot to show you the way to the other surprise that was in my gift box from Coletta ... Meet Sally, my voodoo rag doll and Ambassador of Ruthi Reads Books For Kids!


DISCLOSURE: Ruth Cox is a writer on Wizzley who is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program, with both affiliations a means for earning online income.

October 5, 2014

Sunday Morning Sol

In the spirit of sharing abitosunshine I bring you a bit of Sunday morning Sol.

The inspiration for this design presented in image and haiku came from thoughts on comments and discussions over the years about my so-called non-Christian attitude about church attendance.

For your information ... Yes, I am a Christian. And yes, I am a worshiper of Sol.

I do not believe I must attend church on Sunday mornings to call myself a believer of God. I do not believe I must sun bathe at the beach to call myself a believer of Sol.

I guess it fair to say I live a broadly defined spiritual life wherein I'm a believer of gods within. Thus, I consider myself a daily communicant with God and Sol—from the comfort of body and mind wherever I am.

To me, that sure beats heading off to church "to mess with the preacher" or telling someone they shall "rot in hell" for something they have done or not done. Yes, I've been witness to both sinful scenarios!

October 2, 2014

Whirlwind of Writing and Creativity

Little Whirlwind
It has been a whirlwind of writing and creativity in my life online of late. I figured it time I give you an update of what has consumed my time and effort. The writing platform where I had published most of my creative writing and reviews for the past three years is now gone, Squidoo having sold out to another writing site, HubPages.

Join Ruth Cox on Wizzley
Members of Squidoo were given the opportunity to go along with the sellout but I chose to opt out of that sell-me-out deal. Instead, I chose to move on to a writing community of my choosing. I am working diligently to publish my article writings, old and new, on the Wizzley platform for writers. My Wizzley portfolio is growing stronger every day!

I have also been relatively busy this past month creating another blog for you to enjoy, geared especially toward dog lovers. Today I would like to direct your attention to DOG PAWSITIVE TIDBITS, inspired by my dog Tidbit and the paw prints of her pups. I am ever so excited about this blog project!

Dog Pawsitive Tidbits
My books for kids blog is being restructured, due to many links and references to that old writing site.

Even this abitosunshine blog (where you are now) is in disarray, and will also get a much-needed face lift soon, but that's alright, as I am up to the challenge!

I find I am rather enjoying this whirlwind of creative activity, especially since my projects are now of my choosing and not being directed by the needs and desires of a site owner and staff more interested in their own agenda and not mine.

I find I am smiling more now as I work and I am much more productive and motivated. And I am earning online better now than before. Now if that isn't motivation enough for me then I don't know what possibly could be!

Writer's Unite
As a writer and blogger I am delighted to be linking this blog article up with Writer's Unite over at Marsha's Spot. Marsha hosts this weekly blog hop for writers, so if you're a writer and a blogger you're invited to come join us!