Over the years, for one reason or another, I seem to have lost hold of those customary rituals that escorted me through seasonal festivities and celebrations. At times it seems as though decades of love and of loss have me reminiscing traditions more than giving life to them.
The loss of my pea in a pod, my Aunt Martha Bell, this past year had me wondering what on earth I would do with myself over the winter season, which I had spent mostly with her the past couple of years. Today, I saw a white poinsettia and I knew my aunt wouldn't be happy knowing I am sad, so only loving thoughts of her and a promise to do more than just reminisce in the coming year.
Of course, I had the pleasure of taking part in somewhat of a new holiday tradition this year. I spent Christmas day with my son and his family. Hugging and holding my son and grandson, watching wee ones delighted by anything and everything, new life was breathed unto me.
Most of us have time-honored traditions that spirit us through special holidays and events of our lives. I invite you to share a tradition or two. You never know, you may give me an idea for a new way to celebrate too.
December 26, 2011
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
May the light of Love burn bright for you and your loved ones today and every day...
Visit Tumbleweed Christmas Tree for more seasonal spirit.
December 19, 2011
Swagbucks Holiday Fun Starts Today
"Swagbucks is going crazy today, with more ways for you to earn reward points towards free stuff. First, they're having a Swag Code Extravaganza, which means a fun day where you can earn up to 70 Swag Bucks from 8 different codes throughout the day!
Second, there's a new set of Holiday Collector's Bills which you can only earn through search - get all five and you'll receive an instant 12 Swag Bucks bonus! The set starts at noon on Monday.
Finally, for any referral you bring in through the 19th, you'll not only get up to 1000 matching Swag Bucks from Search, but 1000 Matching Swag Bucks from everything they earn (not including codes) all day Monday - they're calling it Mega Match Monday!
Three big reasons to visit Swagbucks this Monday!"
Not yet a member of the Swagbucks rewards program? You can sign up now! Here's my referral link and banner... And... Here's a 100 Swag Buck Registration code that you can use through December 31st and it's worth 100 additional Swag Bucks for new users when applied during registration only. Insert the code HOLIDAYSWAG when registering for Swagbucks.
Have a Happy Search and Earn Holiday!
December 13, 2011
Sticking it to my Car
I have been a hardworking gal, at my J-O-B and online, to earn the money needed to pay for my car repairs and or a new used car, whichever the case may be.
I have faith my new mechanic can get my car back on the road. So ... in good faith ... today, I created a bumber sticker and plan to stick it to my car as soon as I get back in the driver's seat!
In keeping with my goals to spread a bit o' sunshine into the lives of others, I think this bumper sticker will do the trick. What do you think? Would seeing this on my car, or your car, or any car, put a smile on your face?
I have faith my new mechanic can get my car back on the road. So ... in good faith ... today, I created a bumber sticker and plan to stick it to my car as soon as I get back in the driver's seat!
In keeping with my goals to spread a bit o' sunshine into the lives of others, I think this bumper sticker will do the trick. What do you think? Would seeing this on my car, or your car, or any car, put a smile on your face?
November 24, 2011
Giving Thanks for You
On this day of Thanksgiving,
I give thanks for each of you.
I give thanks for...
each person
each family member
each pet
each friend
and yes...
for each foe.
Every one of you have left your footprints
in the grains of sand of my lifetime.
I give thanks for each of you.
I give thanks for...
each person
each family member
each pet
each friend
and yes...
for each foe.
Every one of you have left your footprints
in the grains of sand of my lifetime.
Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, 2011
November 22, 2011
Week of Giving Thanks
TODAY: I give thanks for today ... I give thanks for each sunrise being the blessing of a fresh start in the race of life and for each sunset holding the promise of sweet dreams to be fulfilled ... tomorrow.
WORK: Job-related, my schedule slimmed down to 3 days off, leaving me more time to concentrate on making money with my creative endeavors, online and offline. And, since I won't be working early Sunday mornings, I'll now be able to attend Church services on Saturday evenings. Looking forward to attending the healing and recovery service offered at a local church--invited by a regular customer from work, who is pastor of the church.
HOUSEMATE: Grateful to Scott for all he does to encourage and support me in all that I do. He's a great friend, one whom I give thanks for every day. He has taught me so much about friendship and compassion for others.
FAMILY: My cousin Marsha and her husband, Larry, were thinking of me and how I would be spending my Thanksgiving this year since my Aunt Martha Bell (Marsha's mom) passed away. They stopped by my job to visit me to let me know I was on their mind. How kind!
WEATHER: Still no first snow! There's an autumn chill in the air, as well as a few raindrops falling, but no white stuff is sweet sunshine to me!
LOVE: I am thankful for the gift of loving and being loved. Thankful even for lost loves of my life, for without the love each shared with me a different person I might be.
SLEEP: Insomnia attacks allowed me extra time for creativity this past week. But, a good night of sleep last night has me energized for a day of productivity, too. Dreams being fulfilled with or without sleep!
WORK: Job-related, my schedule slimmed down to 3 days off, leaving me more time to concentrate on making money with my creative endeavors, online and offline. And, since I won't be working early Sunday mornings, I'll now be able to attend Church services on Saturday evenings. Looking forward to attending the healing and recovery service offered at a local church--invited by a regular customer from work, who is pastor of the church.
HOUSEMATE: Grateful to Scott for all he does to encourage and support me in all that I do. He's a great friend, one whom I give thanks for every day. He has taught me so much about friendship and compassion for others.
FAMILY: My cousin Marsha and her husband, Larry, were thinking of me and how I would be spending my Thanksgiving this year since my Aunt Martha Bell (Marsha's mom) passed away. They stopped by my job to visit me to let me know I was on their mind. How kind!
WEATHER: Still no first snow! There's an autumn chill in the air, as well as a few raindrops falling, but no white stuff is sweet sunshine to me!
LOVE: I am thankful for the gift of loving and being loved. Thankful even for lost loves of my life, for without the love each shared with me a different person I might be.
SLEEP: Insomnia attacks allowed me extra time for creativity this past week. But, a good night of sleep last night has me energized for a day of productivity, too. Dreams being fulfilled with or without sleep!
Day 16 through Day 22
November 15, 2011
I Give Thanks for the WWW and for the Child Within
Earlier today, I began searching online for posters on the topic of traditional poetry. From website to website I searched. I found quite a few that applied. More importantly, I was once again reminded to enjoy the journey moreso than the destination.
My topic search landed me on the Child's Heart poster by Peter Frederick. Upon further investigation, I learned the quote on the art print was by one of my favorite authors, Kahlil Gibran.
My topic search landed me on the Child's Heart poster by Peter Frederick. Upon further investigation, I learned the quote on the art print was by one of my favorite authors, Kahlil Gibran.
I am ever so thankful for this computer that allows a wide world to be accessed by my fingertips.
And today, I give thanks for childhood memories of people, places, and things; for the knowledge today's world wide web brings.
I give thanks, for I have enjoyed the journey.
The spirit of the child within lives on in the places of the past where I have found joy. And I avow to create more places of enjoyment upon which my soul shall land.
November 14, 2011
Motivational Floral Trio
Giving Thanks Challenge
Days 12, 13, and 14
I ran across this lovely trio of florals and knew I would share them with you, giving thanks for 3 days, their beauty to behold. These posters will make a great grouping on the wall in my office library.
(Unframed posters are 8" by 20")

Days 12, 13, and 14
I ran across this lovely trio of florals and knew I would share them with you, giving thanks for 3 days, their beauty to behold. These posters will make a great grouping on the wall in my office library.
(Unframed posters are 8" by 20")
November 11, 2011
Salute of Thanks for Veterans
Regardless of my thoughts and feelings of war (that which I abhor) today is Veterans Day in the USA, and it is the veterans of yore for whom my salute soars...
Sharing with you a poem I wrote years ago, inspired by a painting I saw online of a mother and child opening a trunk at the foot of a bed which held the memory of a veteran of war...
Giving Thanks Challenge
Veterans Day
Sharing with you a poem I wrote years ago, inspired by a painting I saw online of a mother and child opening a trunk at the foot of a bed which held the memory of a veteran of war...
I Salute
©Ruth Cox
You were there the wondrous day
Upon which I was born,
But you weren’t able to stay,
And from my life you were torn.
Momma holds me ever so tight
As we open up the trunk.
We read the letter every night
About how the ship was sunk.
Your photo catches the tears
Fallen from a loved one’s eye.
Etched into glass are the fears
Of loss we’ll forever cry.
Momma reads aloud by my side
Old news of the war at end,
I wear your jacket with pride,
Life and liberty you did defend.
I listen to what I am told
Of honor held in your heart,
For me the stories are gold,
And from them I’ll never part.
I celebrate the day of my birth,
My moment in time with you.
For all that to me you are worth
I salute our red, white and blue.
Salute a Soldier today.
And pray...
God Bless the USA!
Giving Thanks Challenge
Veterans Day
November 10, 2011
Art and Sol
Giving Thanks Challenge
Day 9 and Day 10
I am thankful for...
Day 9 and Day 10
I am thankful for...
the heART and SOuL of LOVE
Design on ceramic tile, framed in cherrywood.
Created by and available for purchase at abitosunshine.
And I am thankful for my online friendship with artist Billy Frank Alexander and the use of his "heartwork".
November 8, 2011
Happy 2nd Anniversary to my Son
Giving Thanks Challenge
Day 8
Dedicated to my Son
You see, yesterday my son celebrated 2 years clean and sober! And for that, this momma stands tall and proud as she whispers praises to the sun above ... Thank you, God!
I share with you a poetic creation, first posted in August of 2009 ... and now, my son's "spray o' tomorrows beckon forevermore" ... One day at a time!
I pray that whatever in life you seek you shall find
I pray that wherever you go, whatever you do,
That you'll never doubt that you are always on my mind
And you'll never forget that your mother loves you.
I pray that whatever in life you seek you shall find
I pray that wherever you go, whatever you do,
That you'll never doubt that you are always on my mind
And you'll never forget that your mother loves you.
November 7, 2011
Serendipity and Relaxation
Giving Thanks Challenge
Day 6 and Day 7
I have a ritual of a statement I speak aloud immediately upon arising on Sunday mornings: Good morning, Lord. Today is YOUR day, as well as SUNday ... and always, I make it a day blessed with a bit o' sunshine!
Day 6 and Day 7
I have a ritual of a statement I speak aloud immediately upon arising on Sunday mornings: Good morning, Lord. Today is YOUR day, as well as SUNday ... and always, I make it a day blessed with a bit o' sunshine!
These days, Mondays are a day off from my job. I force myself to remember to enJOY the day by adding relaxation into the mix of things to do.
November 5, 2011
Health and Happiness
Giving Thanks Challenge
Day 4 and Day 5
Both health and happiness are but a state of being, just as is the gift of thanksgiving. I give thanks for the fact that I hold my future in my hands and I can always find a moment of happiness to be thankful for and I can always do that which is necessary to maintain a healthy attitude of gratitude.
Day 4 and Day 5
Both health and happiness are but a state of being, just as is the gift of thanksgiving. I give thanks for the fact that I hold my future in my hands and I can always find a moment of happiness to be thankful for and I can always do that which is necessary to maintain a healthy attitude of gratitude.
November 3, 2011
Giving Thanks Day 3
Giving Thanks Challenge - Day 3
I give thanks for my Avon lady friend!
She made my day when she dropped off my order at work today. I love little gifts just for me that I purchase from my Avon lady.
Today's gift to myself was the Avon Holiday Spice Hand Gift Set. It's pretty, practical, and scented deliciously!
It makes good sense to spend a few good cents on good scents just for me!
I give thanks for my Avon lady friend!
She made my day when she dropped off my order at work today. I love little gifts just for me that I purchase from my Avon lady.
Today's gift to myself was the Avon Holiday Spice Hand Gift Set. It's pretty, practical, and scented deliciously!
It makes good sense to spend a few good cents on good scents just for me!
November 2, 2011
Giving Thanks Day 2
I am giving thanks to the wee guest who made my day when she used ketchup (as a wee one would say) to leave me a note on her plate...
As a server, this is one of the best tips I could receive from a guest! And, it means I must have performed my part in the company's mission statement quite well... "Constantly to serve our patrons the highest quality burgers and shakes along with extending them great service at the lowest possible prices."
Giving Thanks Challenge - Day 2
November 1, 2011
Giving Thanks Day 1
Giving Thanks Challenge — Day 1
Leah, I would also like to snailmail you my card of appreciation, so please email me with your snailmail address.
Accept the Giving Thanks Challenge 2011
It is the 1st of November, 2011 and once again I have been given the opportunity to give thanks each day in November by accepting the Giving Thanks Challenge hosted by Leah of South Breeze Farm. This is my second year of participating in the challenge, although this is the 5th year Leah has offered up the challenge.
Last year I posted my daily thankfulness in one blog post, just adding to my Giving Thanks Challenge post each day. This year, I am going to share my gratitude in daily blog posts, so that I may discuss in greater detail the object of my thankfulness, if I feel the need to do so.
As Leah says, "I'd like to encourage all of you to join me for the 5th Annual Giving Thanks Challenge! All you have to do is post one thing you're thankful for each day somewhere on your blog. It doesn't even have to be an actual thought-out post. Just start making a list on your sidebar if you want - somewhere you can see it every day to encourage an attitude of thankfulness."
Of course, snag the button and link from Leah, and remember to link your blog up with Leah's Let The Challenge Begin post. I plan to show my gratitude for the challenge by doing my part in visiting those bloggers who link up with the challenge, as well as to those of you who leave comments on my daily giving thanks posts.
Are you up for the Giving Thanks Challenge? There are thirty (30) days in the month of November, giving us thirty (30) ways to share our gratitude. Let us know if you have accepted the challenge!
I will be posting my Day 1 of giving thanks shortly. For those who don't want to miss my daily posts, I encourage you to...
Last year I posted my daily thankfulness in one blog post, just adding to my Giving Thanks Challenge post each day. This year, I am going to share my gratitude in daily blog posts, so that I may discuss in greater detail the object of my thankfulness, if I feel the need to do so.
As Leah says, "I'd like to encourage all of you to join me for the 5th Annual Giving Thanks Challenge! All you have to do is post one thing you're thankful for each day somewhere on your blog. It doesn't even have to be an actual thought-out post. Just start making a list on your sidebar if you want - somewhere you can see it every day to encourage an attitude of thankfulness."
Of course, snag the button and link from Leah, and remember to link your blog up with Leah's Let The Challenge Begin post. I plan to show my gratitude for the challenge by doing my part in visiting those bloggers who link up with the challenge, as well as to those of you who leave comments on my daily giving thanks posts.
Are you up for the Giving Thanks Challenge? There are thirty (30) days in the month of November, giving us thirty (30) ways to share our gratitude. Let us know if you have accepted the challenge!
I will be posting my Day 1 of giving thanks shortly. For those who don't want to miss my daily posts, I encourage you to...
Thank You!
October 29, 2011
Footloose and Fancy Free Contest
I am footloose and fancy-free!
(That's my six words for Saturday.)
I am just having a bit of after work fun and frivolity before I hunker down and busy myself with a long list of things I need to get done online today.
Head on over to Finger Click $aver and hop along in the Footloose and Fancy-Free Weekend Hop! It's a fun way to meet new friends while sharing your favorite links.
Then be sure to head over to Show My Face to link up your own Six Word Saturday post.
Both of these sites have a good thing going on for a bit of weekend fun!
Footloose and Fancy Free Query Contest
(Yes, that is another six words.)
First person to answer the contest question correctly wins...
Become a graphic design affiliate at zazzle.com
Note: Be sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can notify you when you guess correctly and win my magnet!
October 20, 2011
Soon to Expire
SuperPoints invites, that is, not me!
I have two invitations to The SuperPoints Network rewards program that will expire on November 1st! Also, each invite is good for only one friend, so grab it quickly!
NOTE: 500 superpoints equals $5!
(towards cash in PayPal or gift cards)
You can read all the super simple details about the SuperPoints rewards program here on my previous blog post "Word of Mouth Marketing".
I have two invitations to The SuperPoints Network rewards program that will expire on November 1st! Also, each invite is good for only one friend, so grab it quickly!
NOTE: 500 superpoints equals $5!
(towards cash in PayPal or gift cards)
You can read all the super simple details about the SuperPoints rewards program here on my previous blog post "Word of Mouth Marketing".
October 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Party
Another year, not just another day. I'm having a party and you're invited to my celebration of the day of my birth! And from my heart I say, "Thank you, Mom, for giving me life on this day."
Ralph Steadman - OK! Let’s Party
Ralph Steadman
24 in. x 36 in.
Buy This Allposters.com
First thing this morning, I received a gift from The Swag Guy at SwagBucks!
You can get your sweet birthday swagbucks, too! Join me at SwagBucks!
Ralph Steadman - OK! Let’s Party
Ralph Steadman
24 in. x 36 in.
Buy This Allposters.com
First thing this morning, I received a gift from The Swag Guy at SwagBucks!
You can get your sweet birthday swagbucks, too! Join me at SwagBucks!
October 2, 2011
Word of Mouth Marketing
Word-of-mouth is by far one of the best promotional techniques used in referral marketing. Ok, so you can't hear me, but you can sure read me, loud and clear!
SuperPoints is, in my opinion, one of the best rewards programs online today for earning extra income. You are paid in points that can be redeemed for cash and gift card rewards. You earn by clicking on the SuperLucky button daily. You may also earn by daily Lucky Mail and by completing offers and surveys.
Share SuperPoints invitation links with your friends! They will earn while you also increase your earning potentional.
Two (2) friend referrals increases your membership to Gold, giving you 50 daily clicks on the SuperLucky Button. Five (5) friend referrals increases your membership to Platinum, and you receive 100 daily clicks on that button!
Gold and Platinum members also receive superpoints equal to those of which their friend referrals are clicking and earning on the button!
Superpoints Redemption Example:
SuperPoints pays weekly! Payment is made every Monday! (Sometimes on Tuesday, if they are back-logged.)
I joined the SuperPoints Network in August of 2011. I have redeemed superpoints for (at least) $5 cash in my PayPal account every week since signing up!
I do have a few friends who are helping me earn this extra income. That's the beauty of referral marketing -- share a money making opportunity with a friend -- everybody wins!
Join the SuperPoints Network rewards opportunity with my invitation link and you will begin earning points towards cash and prizes -- once you SIGN UP, VERIFY your email, AND COMPLETE your profile to 100%:
Invitation =====> http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/hgxcce
Invitation link is good for 1 friend only. (You can only sign up once, so please don't use this link if you're already a member of the SuperPoints Network.)
NOTE: You can also always find a current invitation link from me in my blog post Making $$$ Online.
SuperPoints is, in my opinion, one of the best rewards programs online today for earning extra income. You are paid in points that can be redeemed for cash and gift card rewards. You earn by clicking on the SuperLucky button daily. You may also earn by daily Lucky Mail and by completing offers and surveys.
Share SuperPoints invitation links with your friends! They will earn while you also increase your earning potentional.
Two (2) friend referrals increases your membership to Gold, giving you 50 daily clicks on the SuperLucky Button. Five (5) friend referrals increases your membership to Platinum, and you receive 100 daily clicks on that button!
Gold and Platinum members also receive superpoints equal to those of which their friend referrals are clicking and earning on the button!
Superpoints Redemption Example:
- 500 points equals $5 in PayPal cash.
- 1000 points equals $10 in PayPal cash.
- 2500 points equals $25 in PayPal cash.
SuperPoints pays weekly! Payment is made every Monday! (Sometimes on Tuesday, if they are back-logged.)
I joined the SuperPoints Network in August of 2011. I have redeemed superpoints for (at least) $5 cash in my PayPal account every week since signing up!
I do have a few friends who are helping me earn this extra income. That's the beauty of referral marketing -- share a money making opportunity with a friend -- everybody wins!
Join the SuperPoints Network rewards opportunity with my invitation link and you will begin earning points towards cash and prizes -- once you SIGN UP, VERIFY your email, AND COMPLETE your profile to 100%:
Invitation =====> http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/hgxcce
Invitation link is good for 1 friend only. (You can only sign up once, so please don't use this link if you're already a member of the SuperPoints Network.)
NOTE: You can also always find a current invitation link from me in my blog post Making $$$ Online.
Your SuperPoints earnings are up to you...
=====> Get Clicking!
October 1, 2011
SOS Saturday
Enter my giveaway for a chance to win a shot of sunshine!
Head on over to Six Word Saturday and blog hop along with us today while we tell you a bit about our lives in just six words.
September 8, 2011
DearFoam Slippers Winner
I wish to thank Networking Witches for hosting the DearFoam Slippers giveaway -- I am a WINNER!
colorblock clog
Just in time for cool weather and a winner to warm my tootsies!
I love giveaways!
Share a giveaway:
Share a BOOK giveaway:
September 1, 2011
If you saw money in the middle of the street, would you go pick it up?
Imagine you're walking along, nearing the end of your daily ten-minute walk. You glance to your right and see money - green - bills blowing around in the middle of the street. Would you brave the traffic to get to those bills? Would you pick them up, pocket them, and later spend that newfound green? Would you take a walk tomorrow in hopes of finding another bill or two or three? Would you invite a friend or two or more to join you on your daily walk?
I would!
Imagine me telling you where and how to find a few bills just as simply. I did not say easily, I said simply. Yes, you may have to dodge a bit of traffic congestion, it may be a single green instead of a five or ten of green; but, it is there for the taking and the making, if you're willing to go out there and do what it takes to make it.
And, remember, if you take that ten-minute walk every day, a single green becomes several single greens, and so forth. If you take a friend along with you on your daily walk, you both find more green!
Making money online is that simple. It's extra money earned by spending a little bit of time each day doing what it takes to earn the cash and/or prizes. And the best part is sharing the money making opportunity with others -- everybody wins, everybody earns!
A Point to Ponder: When a friend invites you along and you accept -- you are not just "supporting your friend" -- your friend is also supporting YOU by inviting you! It's a people helping people opportunity for the both of you.
For your information, I found three five dollar bills in my daily walks in August. And this was just the beginning of my taking a walk each day.
Where did this walk take me? Straight to the SuperPoints Network!
NOTE: You MUST validate your email and complete your basic information on your profile to earn superpoints.
You will then have access to 30 daily clicks on the SuperLucky Button at Superpoints! To increase your number of daily clicks, invite friends. As you refer friends to Superpoints, you increase your random point clicks and earnings.
There are many reward prizes available, gift cards and my personal favorite: PayPal cash! Example:
Joining SuperPoints is by invitation only, and, invites are good for only 1 person. Here's an invitation for you to accept ASAP (before another friend beats you to it!):
Please leave a comment if you accept the invite so I can insert a new one for others. Thank you!
I would!
Imagine me telling you where and how to find a few bills just as simply. I did not say easily, I said simply. Yes, you may have to dodge a bit of traffic congestion, it may be a single green instead of a five or ten of green; but, it is there for the taking and the making, if you're willing to go out there and do what it takes to make it.
And, remember, if you take that ten-minute walk every day, a single green becomes several single greens, and so forth. If you take a friend along with you on your daily walk, you both find more green!
Making money online is that simple. It's extra money earned by spending a little bit of time each day doing what it takes to earn the cash and/or prizes. And the best part is sharing the money making opportunity with others -- everybody wins, everybody earns!
A Point to Ponder: When a friend invites you along and you accept -- you are not just "supporting your friend" -- your friend is also supporting YOU by inviting you! It's a people helping people opportunity for the both of you.
For your information, I found three five dollar bills in my daily walks in August. And this was just the beginning of my taking a walk each day.
Where did this walk take me? Straight to the SuperPoints Network!
Once you receive my invitation, just accept the invite by signing up, then you'll receive a confirmation email. Once you receive your confirmation link, fill out your Basic Information on your member profile.
NOTE: You MUST validate your email and complete your basic information on your profile to earn superpoints.
You will then have access to 30 daily clicks on the SuperLucky Button at Superpoints! To increase your number of daily clicks, invite friends. As you refer friends to Superpoints, you increase your random point clicks and earnings.
There are many reward prizes available, gift cards and my personal favorite: PayPal cash! Example:
- 500 superpoints equals $5 via PayPal
- 1,000 superpoints equals $10 via PayPal
- 2,500 superpoints equals $25 via PayPal
Joining SuperPoints is by invitation only, and, invites are good for only 1 person. Here's an invitation for you to accept ASAP (before another friend beats you to it!):
Please leave a comment if you accept the invite so I can insert a new one for others. Thank you!
August 25, 2011
WINNER of UPrinting Labels GIVEAWAY
We have a WINNER!
Renee, I am delighted to announce you as the winner of this giveaway! I have a feeling you will utilize these print labels from UPrinting.com in your Baby James Foundation. You may, of course, use them for anything you wish.
Again, congratulations! And, thank you for participating in the giveaway.
I also wish to thank UPrinting.com and GiveawayBlogs.com for making this giveaway possible here at abitosunshine!
Timestamp: 2011-08-25 16:06:48 UTC
Random Sequence Generator
August 23, 2011
Twitter Tweet Status Link
Entering a giveaway? As in my current UPrinting Print Label Giveaway, an additional entry may be had if you Twitter tweet the giveaway post and then leave your Twitter tweet Status link in the comment section.
For those of you who do not yet know what a status link is, here is a step-by-step how to find it:
You can try it out by entering my giveaway:
Giveaway: 250 Print Labels by UPrinting
And...Here is my latest Twitter tweet status link:
For those of you who do not yet know what a status link is, here is a step-by-step how to find it:
- Log in to Twitter.
- Click Profile.
- Click Your Tweets (top right).
- Find the tweet you are looking for.
- Click on the "time" tweet was tweeted, for example: 10 hours ago
- The URL for that specific tweet is now in the browser address bar and is the "twitter status" link needed.
You can try it out by entering my giveaway:
Giveaway: 250 Print Labels by UPrinting
And...Here is my latest Twitter tweet status link:
August 19, 2011
CLOSED Giveaway: 250 Print Labels by UPrinting
With Summer soon over, children are going back to school and our home and/or community gardens are ready for fall harvest.
Back-to-school books and bags may need labels to identify their rightful owner. Home grown tomatoes and green beans need your uniquely designed personal labels on the jars. Or, maybe now that the youngsters will be away for the better part of the day and your gardening is canned and on the pantry shelf, you may just have time to get back to creating your craft products for sale and now you will need shipping labels.
We have just what you need! Thanks to UPrinting.com, we are offering a great giveaway of fully customizable Print Labels for whatever purpose you may find for them.
As stated above, the Print Labels are customizable to your needs. You will be able to design them online with the UPrinting design Product Template, uploading your own images and text.
RESTRICTIONS: Limited to US residents 18 years old and above only and giveaway is limited to USA residents only. Winners are allowed to win an UPrinting sponsored giveaway only once over a six-month period. Please do NOT enter if you do not meet these restrictions.
GIVEAWAY WILL END August 25th at NOON EST. Winner will be notified by email and on a giveaway winner post on this blog. Winner will have 24 hours to reply to the email AND comment on the winner post as proof of receipt of notification. If these requirements are not met, a new winner will be selected.
MANDATORY WITH EACH ENTRY is your email address. Entries without an email address will NOT be counted.
Enter once, twice, or enter up to nine times by following the optional entries below. Please post a separate comment for each entry.
DISCLAIMER: This giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting, no monetary compensation was given, and I will receive labels for hosting this giveaway. Check out product templates on UPrinting.com.
Back-to-school books and bags may need labels to identify their rightful owner. Home grown tomatoes and green beans need your uniquely designed personal labels on the jars. Or, maybe now that the youngsters will be away for the better part of the day and your gardening is canned and on the pantry shelf, you may just have time to get back to creating your craft products for sale and now you will need shipping labels.
We have just what you need! Thanks to UPrinting.com, we are offering a great giveaway of fully customizable Print Labels for whatever purpose you may find for them.
250 Print Labels for One (1) Winner
2" x 3.5"
70lb Label Matte, Front Only Printing
4 Business Days Turnaround
(free shipping included for this giveaway)
(free shipping included for this giveaway)
As stated above, the Print Labels are customizable to your needs. You will be able to design them online with the UPrinting design Product Template, uploading your own images and text.
RESTRICTIONS: Limited to US residents 18 years old and above only and giveaway is limited to USA residents only. Winners are allowed to win an UPrinting sponsored giveaway only once over a six-month period. Please do NOT enter if you do not meet these restrictions.
GIVEAWAY WILL END August 25th at NOON EST. Winner will be notified by email and on a giveaway winner post on this blog. Winner will have 24 hours to reply to the email AND comment on the winner post as proof of receipt of notification. If these requirements are not met, a new winner will be selected.
MANDATORY WITH EACH ENTRY is your email address. Entries without an email address will NOT be counted.
- Google Friend Connect with abitosunshine (in right side panel of this blog).
- Email Subscribe to abitosunshine (in right side panel of this blog).
- Twitter tweet this giveaway and leave the Twitter status link in a comment on this giveaway post.
- Like UPrinting on Facebook and leave a wall comment telling them abitosunshine sent you. Then leave the comment status link here on this giveaway post.
- Leave a comment on another post on this blog and leave the post title in a comment on this giveaway post.
DISCLAIMER: This giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting, no monetary compensation was given, and I will receive labels for hosting this giveaway. Check out product templates on UPrinting.com.
August 3, 2011
Gourmet Gift Basket Winner
Are you a busy as a bee blogger entering gieveaways on blogs on a regular basis? I am!
On July 4th I entered Tammylyne's Gourmet Gift Baskets the perfect gift-Snack Basket Giveaway. On July 28th, I received this email from Tammylyne:
"Congratulations you won The Gourmet Gift Basket giveaway on Tales from Tammylyne!
And, today, August 3rd, Mr. FedEx Man delivered my...
On July 4th I entered Tammylyne's Gourmet Gift Baskets the perfect gift-Snack Basket Giveaway. On July 28th, I received this email from Tammylyne:
"Congratulations you won The Gourmet Gift Basket giveaway on Tales from Tammylyne!
Please send me your name address and phone number and I will send it off to the sponsor ASAP.
Thanks for being a Tales from Tammylyne reader, I appreciate you!
And, today, August 3rd, Mr. FedEx Man delivered my...
Thank you, Tammylyne!
Thank you, GourmetGiftBaskets.com!
Now munching on a
Brent & Sam's
Key Lime White Chocolate Gourmet Cookie
found in my Snack Basket -- yummylicious!
You can visit GourmetGiftBaskets.com to see the variety of yummy baskets available for purchase as gifts or for yourself.
You can follow Tales from Tammylyne for all her current and upcoming giveaways, reviews, and more tales!
Of course, you will also want to visit the GIVEAWAY Linky List right here at abitosunshine on a regular basis to find more great giveaways to enter and win!
August 2, 2011
59 Swag Bucks!
I just won my largest SwagBucks.com search and earn ever!
I just won my largest SwagBucks.com search and earn ever!
59 Swag Bucks!
Jump right on in for a swagbucks win!
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