November 14, 2011

Motivational Floral Trio

Giving Thanks Challenge
Days 12, 13, and 14

I ran across this lovely trio of florals and knew I would share them with you, giving thanks for 3 days, their beauty to behold. These posters will make a great grouping on the wall in my office library.

(Unframed posters are 8" by 20")

Where there is LoveWisdom BeginsBehold this Day


  1. These are very pretty....
    reminds me of spring!

  2. I can see how they would remind you of spring, Brenda. The three together inspire me to fill each day with passion.

  3. Oh I like those too. Something I may try to paint myself if it is alright with you. I try to paint each day.

  4. Peggy, now I'm really thankful I posted these motivational messages and flowers! I would love to see your painted trio!


I appreciate your comments!
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!