October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Party

Another year, not just another day. I'm having a party and you're invited to my celebration of the day of my birth! And from my heart I say, "Thank you, Mom, for giving me life on this day."

Ralph Steadman - OK! Let’s Party

First thing this morning, I received a gift from The Swag Guy at SwagBucks!

You can get your sweet birthday swagbucks, too! Join me at SwagBucks!


  1. Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ruthi!
    It turns out that apparently we share the same number of years on this planet, only I've been here since April 12, 1954. So I guess that makes me an older man. LOL!

    LOVE YA!

  2. Love that we share the birth year, Gary! Older works, if you're a wee bit wiser, ha!

  3. Dont you just LOVE swag bucks! I do both that and superpoints :)
    Thanks for coming over to

  4. Yes, Denise, Love my Swagbucks, and my SuperPoints!


I appreciate your comments!
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!