September 28, 2013

Summer Sunflower Butterfly Away

My homegrown sunflowers and their seeds have blown the way of the wind. There seem to be less butterflies flying by, too. Summer ends, as all things do, but there is hope for a repeat once again, next year, for all to reappear.

Flight Of Sunflower Butterfly Postcards
Flight Of Sunflower Butterfly Postcards by abitosunshine
Check out other Sunflower Postcards at

Sunflowers have grown, seeds long gone
Butterflies have flown, wings move on
Sunflower butterfly away, reappear another year.
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  1. Replies
    1. Fortunately, I live in the south so the birds are headed my way!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Karen. I am glad you enjoyed my camera capture of summer flying away.

  3. I'm holding on to it by the tail feathers (Summer, that is), and so far it seems to be working :)

  4. Sad. Our sublime September weather broke today.

  5. Here in Kansas we sure do see our share of sunflowers! I love the last of summer and the beginnings of fall. Then all too soon winter will be upon us! I am kind of a recluse during cold I should get out and about today and check out all of the sunshiny sunflowers along the way!

    Happy Saturday!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits


I appreciate your comments!
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!